Robowska Lucyna

Lucyna Robowska (* 1877 Warsaw- †? Warsaw) pianist and composer. She studied piano at the Warsaw Conservatory with Aleksander Michałowski and composition with Adolf Gużewski. Between 1903-1918, she stayed in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where she was an activist in the Polish community. She organized concerts with Polish music and poetry evenings. In 1911, she organized a concert devoted to Mieczysław Karłowicz, as well as concerts presenting the works of Young Poland composers. During her long stay in Russia, she came to Poland for concerts. She also wrote reviews for the magazine “Widnokręgi”.

After World War I, she moved to Warsaw. She has performed in Poland and France. Throughout its activity, it was focused on promoting Polish music. She was a member of, among others, the Moniuszko Section of WTM, the F. Chopin Institute. During the 1st Competition F. Chopin sat on the jury. She also wrote piano pieces that she performed herself. After World War II, she withdrew from public activity.